Parental Tips

Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities in maintaninig punctuality, regularity and discipline.

Parents should ensure that their wards take active interest in the school activities. Continuous absence of students for 15 days without permission is tantam’ount to indiscipline and names will be struck off the rolls under such circumstnces. The name of a student absenting without permission for three consecutive days after any vacationis liable to be struck off the rolls, parents are required to sigh their wards, Academic Progress Reports and return them when required. Parents/guardians and others are requested not to visit the classes or try to meet the teacher (in school campus) without the prior permission of the Principal.

All belongings of students should bear their names and classes.

The school will not be responsible for any losses. Parent – (Teacher Meetings are held at regular intervals to provide parents and teachers an opportunity for exchanging views on the progress of the students. 

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WhatsApp Image 2023-01-06 at 12.16.37 PM